
Welcome to Mrs. Rains' & Mrs. Stanley's Class blog! Check-in from time to time to see what's happening in our classroom!

Friday, September 28, 2012

This week in Our Class!

Spelling Words: Study EVERY nightJ
bed  men  red  step  ten  net  leg  jet  sled  wet *saw  *your

Vocabulary: Study EVERY nightJ
Saw  small  tree  your

What are we learning?
Reading: Story- “Get the Egg”
       Working on short “e” sound: ten

Math: Using Subtraction in our daily lives. Learning subtraction strategies

Friday, September 21, 2012

This Week in Our Class...

What are we learning?
Reading: Story- “The Fox and The Kit”
       Working on adding s to words: pigs

Math: Using Subtraction in our daily lives. Learning subtraction strategies

Spelling Words: Study EVERY nightJ
nap     naps     sit     sits    win   wins
fit    fits    hit     hits   *her    *too

Vocabulary: Study EVERY nightJ
her     too    this     eat

Don’t Forget:
All money sent to school must be in an envelope with your child’s name and what the money is for!

When picking up your child from the office or at car, you MUST have your blue car visorJ

September Birthdays: Allison-20, Ava-21, Kate-22, Harrison-26