
Welcome to Mrs. Rains' & Mrs. Stanley's Class blog! Check-in from time to time to see what's happening in our classroom!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

This Week in our Class...

Spelling Words: Study EVERY nightJ
face, made, age, safe, take, make, cage, cake, late, name,
 *could, *old

Vocabulary: Study EVERY nightJ
paper, old, horse, could, be

What are we learning?
Reading: Story- “The Farmer and The Hat”

Math: Addition Strategies- new strategies to solve addition problems. We will take our Chapter 3 Test this week. Look for a study guide!

Monday, October 22, 2012

This week in Our Class!

What are we learning?
Reading: Story- “A Big Fish for Max”

Math: Addition Strategies- new strategies to solve addition problems
Spelling Words: Study EVERY nightJ

ship, fish, then, shut, with, rush, shell, shop, trash, thin,
*want       *good

Vocabulary: Study EVERY nightJ
catch, good, no, want, put

Don’t Forget:

All money sent to school must be in an envelope with your child’s name and what the money is for!

When picking up your child from the office or at car, you MUST have your blue car visorJ