
Welcome to Mrs. Rains' & Mrs. Stanley's Class blog! Check-in from time to time to see what's happening in our classroom!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

This week in our Class...

What are we learning?
Reading: Story- “An Egg is an Egg”
Long vowels: hi, me, go     Vowel of y: cry, any

Math: Place Value- Chapter 6
hundreds, tens, ones, skip counting

Spelling Words: Study EVERY nightJ
my   by    try    any   body    fly  
cry   lucky   silly  puppy    *things, *always
Vocabulary: Study EVERY nightJ
always, stays, day, become, things, nothing, everything

Don’t Forget:
HELP!!! We are need of Kleenexes and Lysol wipes for our classroom!! Please send some as soon as you canJ

When picking up your child from the office or at car, you MUST have your blue car visorJ

January Birthdays: Jorge -24

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