
Welcome to Mrs. Rains' & Mrs. Stanley's Class blog! Check-in from time to time to see what's happening in our classroom!

Friday, August 14, 2015

The First Week of School, a monster, and a case of Tattle-tongue!

This week has been a very busy week! We started Monday with Meet and Greet! We had a great turn-out. Thank you to ALL the parents who were able to take time to join us! Wednesday was the first day and it was definitely a FIRST DAY! We talked about class rules, procedures, and responsibilties. We met Mrs. Stanley (across the hall) and joined her class for some read alouds! I read "David Goes To School" and we discussed what makes a good student and took our Peacemaker Promise. We also learned about a monster who came to school and acted AWFUL! He was so AWFUL, that he was not invited back. But he learned the correct way to behave in school and was allowed to stay. We also learned how NOT to get a case of the TATTLE TONGUE! No one wants a super long, yellow-with-purple-spots, tongue!! We sorted and cleaned and organized and colored... We even learned about our classmates by making an "All About Me" puzzle. It was a great week! I am exhausted. I am now going to rest with my Now-3-month-old-today baby! My how time (and the summer) flies! 

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