
Welcome to Mrs. Rains' & Mrs. Stanley's Class blog! Check-in from time to time to see what's happening in our classroom!

Monday, April 29, 2013

This Week in Our Class....

Happy Monday! This week in our class we are combining two stories. We will be studying the reading skills for Dot and Jabber and Simple Machines. We will discuss the -oo in book and the -oi/-oy in boy and oil. We will not have a comprehension test or spelling test Friday. However, we will have a phonics test. It is important to read and practice these words/skills each night so your child can become a better reader!!! We are still studying 2-D shapes in math and will move onto Fractions very soon!

We have DIBELS coming up this Thursday. Please be sure that your child gets enough sleep and eats a great breakfast! Please continue to work with your child each night. Have your child continue to read the fluency packet I sent home last week:)

Our Courage Carnival went really well! Thank you for letting your children take part in this wonderful day!

Our Field Day has been changed to May 16th. AES will be busy giving the ARMT during our original "Field Day" date, so we had to find a better day:)

Our year is quickly coming to an end! HOWEVER... we still have 4 weeks left. Please remind your students to be on their best behavior. We will be very busy and will need to get lots done and completed before our last day.

We are starting a fun behavior reward for the countdown until summer. Each afternoon we will pop a balloon that will tell us what "Extra" we will be rewarded with for the next day! I am so excited and I believe the students are too! We will start this countdown reward activity by having an extra "recess time". Just a few minutes in the afternoon to run around outside our door!

Here are some pictures from my time spent in the Dunk Tank! It was FREEZING at 8:00 in the morning, but the kids had a blast and that is what matters:)

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