
Welcome to Mrs. Rains' & Mrs. Stanley's Class blog! Check-in from time to time to see what's happening in our classroom!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

"Slicing Up Fractions"

We are practicing our shapes and fractions this week by making fraction pizza and marshmallow-toothpick shapes! The kiddos had a great time with these two math projects.

Making their fraction pizzas...

The finished bulletin board... 
The students work was so good, I had to share them in the hall!

Making marshmallow-toothpick shapes...

We read "The Greedy Triangle" and built shapes as the triangle changes shapes!

Monday, March 16, 2015

March 16-20

This week we are reading Fire Fighter! It a nonfiction text that tells about a fire station and the many things fire fighters do. We will be working with suffixes (word endings that change the meaning of the base word). Our reading comprehension skill is Fact and Opinion.

Fact- something that can be proven to be true by reading, asking experts, or seeing for yourself
Opinion- something someone feels or thinks

Vocabulary Words:

Spelling Words:

In Math we will continue with our lessons in 2-D shapes, 3-D shapes, and fractions. We will be making shape monsters, fraction pizzas, candy bar fractions, and shapes with marshmallows and toothpicks! It will be a fun-filled week in math:)

Next week is Spring Break! Whoo Hoo!! I hope everyone enjoys their days off and has a relaxing week. I also hope this weather sticks around and is beautiful and warm!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Parent Meeting

There will be a parent meeting on Thursday, March 19th at10:00 am and 6:00 pm at First Baptist Church. The meeting will be presented by Chief Pollard on "How to Keep your Family Safe in a Crisis Situation." We look forward to seeing you at one of the sessions!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Wacky Wednesday.... Wacky Thursday!

Yesterday, to celebrate Read Across America Week, the kiddos dressed up for Wacky Wednesday! Look our wacky clothes...

We also had a special guest reader! Thank you Lisa Spence for reading to our class!!

Yesterday was Wacky Wednesday, but I think this crazy weather (spring on Wednesday, winter on Thursday) makes for Wacky Thursday! Enjoy your day off and remember: Friday is favorite Book Character Day! Dress up as your favorite book character:)

Happy Thursday y'all!

Monday, March 2, 2015

It's Read Across America Week!!

Today kicks off Read Across America Week! After all the snow-days and ice-days, it is nice to be back at school:) Today was "Hats off to Dr. Seuss" day. We wore our "Cat in the Hat" hats and celebrated our kick off day by reading "The Cat in the Hat"! The rest of this week will be as follows:

Tuesday: Fox in Socks Day
Wear your crazy socks!

Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday
Be wacky on this day! Wear wacky clothes and hairstyles:)

Thursday: Curl up with a Good Book Day
Wear your comfy PJs for a day of reading!

Friday: Favorite Book Character Day
Dress up as your favorite book character. This outfit can be simple and made up from whatever you have at home!

Here are some pictures from today...

Our hats made us goofy!